Friday, September 3, 2010

It Caught my Attention

I'm so tempted by this new waffle maker. Because the two I already have aren't enough. -- But if I got this one, I could get rid of one of the others, and really, aren't the little waffle cups cool?

Then, on PubRants, Kristin gives an unusual reason for a pseudonym. My shorts stories so far have been published under my real name so unless it becomes a liability in the future, I'll probably keep on using it. My best answer for that problem would be a question -- or two. Did you know my name before you googled it? No? That's why I need a job. (I anticipate doing the job search thing in two years.)

And an NPH poster that is simply too good for words, then a few other guys being funny.

I found a wikihow on simplifying your life, but I don't think I'm good enough at following instructions to really get much use out of it. Here is some temptation to move to Sweden. I'm way past needing the 18 month paid baby leave, but I really like the equalization of parenting that seems to happen afterward. The lack of stigma that America has begun to have with men associating with children.

Here is a confusing touch on politics. Sorry for going there, but I've considered this question quite some time and while this doesn't provide an answer, it proves other people have been considering it too.

Then, finally, a blogging workshop for writers that I'm tempted to take, but would have been way more tempted if it cost half as much. EDITED TO ADD: The Muse Online Writer's Conference. I haven't been before so I can't recommend for or against, but I've registered this year. Sorry I didn't bring it up while it was still free -- I saw a mention on one of the blogs I follow, signed up on their yahoo group site and then everything was quiet for months. It's only recently, as we get close to the conference time, that there has been enough activity to make me think about it again.

Sorry about the random irregular posting, everyone. I'll try to get better. Until then, have a great weekend.


  1. Have you ever done an online workshop before? I was wondering what they were like.

  2. I did SavvyAuthor's Symposium and that was neat, but this seems to be something completely different. They're .... messier. SavvyAuthor's thing was completely online. You have a username and sign in and click on classes to register. You went to their forum page and joined livechat with the teachers and either watched it go by or responded.

    This one just sent me an emailed doc, 78 pages long with workshops and meet and greets. I'm supposed to edit it by putting my name in the empty third column if I want to attend that one. I'm not sure how it will work out in the end but there's a boatload of things to do. Now if only I can figure out whether I should just stick my name in everything that interests me or try to weed out for how much I can actually attend during the time period.
