Inspired by the Spiderman fleece jacket Little Boy has worn all winter, I made a Ninja jacket. I didn't have an appropriate zipper in my stash so I'll have to go shopping at some point to get one.
I considered making a new larger Spiderman jacket, but I do not have red and blue fleece already.
Yes, I did have the black.
From when I was making diapers. Little Boy was the only one I ever saw in black fleece diapers (it's the waterproof type). I may rework the hood a little to add some chin room between now and then -- remove and recut, that is. Not adding to the existing one. That wouldn't look very Ninja.
I also stained and polyurethaned the wood threshold pieces for down the hall. I should be able to glue them down later today making the hall one step closer to done. We still need to patch the hole -- created by removing the old trim and poor original construction -- and add the quarter-round.
Also my ribs feel like I've been beaten with a rice filled sock. Because I went back to the gym yesterday. My heart-rate hits 100 at a whole 2 miles per hour. Horrible. And while I felt shaky and off when I left, I did not feel like I was about 2 seconds from passing out. Well, maybe a minute or two after about twelve treadmill minutes. It's still an improvement! (No, I have no idea if it's the drugs they've got me on or the as-yet-undiagnosed health issue that started the hospital visits and drug regimen.)
"How much writing have I done," you ask?
All I have to say to that is...
What is this 'writing' thing you speak of? I do not know it.
Actually I finished the secondary short from Caretaker that I'd started around the same time I'd created the first. And I've at least reread Little Red even if I haven't written more than another paragraph on it.
The rest of the week is filled with follow-up doctors appointments from the hospital time so I may have done as much as I can manage this week. The results for all those stabbings and blood lettings should be in.
Maybe there's a doctor out there right now who knows what's wrong with me.
More likely, they'll order more blood. They've probably run out by now and I've had a month. That's plenty of time to make more. For now, I have to go make lunch. Maybe later I'll have time to make myself a Ninja jacket. Then when I make lunch, no one will see me.
It's better that way.
Try it.
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